Last Sunday was a madly fulfilling experience. I'd been working so hard on getting the collection ready for my manufacturers for the past couple of months (eat, sleep, headbands), so finally seeing everything come together was like a dream come true. Bit much? Maybe so, but I'm really, really pleased at how everything turned out - especially since I didn't sleep at all the night before because, as Murphy's law would have it, I felt immensely sick (but I won't disgust you with those details).
The shoot was held in South Bermondsey, at a studio owned by the very talented George Garnier, who was lovely and extremely helpful throughout the day. If you ever need a studio to shoot in, I highly recommend contacting him.
My photographer, Natasha Marshall, was as sweet as can be, and really pulled through with beautiful shots and was so composed through the day, despite some minor setbacks. It was her idea to bring in the black balloons and coloured confetti, and I think that's what really helped pull everything together!
Wai Fung, our makeup artist was also a dream to work with. Extremely professional and he created all the looks exactly as I had imagined. The models looked like flawless dolls, and he was always nearby, makeup brush in hand, ready to touch up some lipgloss or brush the fake snow off the model's eyelashes!
I was also lucky enough to have the Knapinska sisters on board to help me style. Edyta, a friend I met on the MA course at St. Martins, prefers to be simply known as my muse. Iwona, her sister, was right there in all the action, combing the models' hair, and making sure everything was picture perfect. I was so, so grateful they could be there, as they really helped pull everything together - and thanks to E, we've got all these great behind the scene shots.
All the models were such lovely girls, and a pleasure to work with. Each had their own unique look and brought something different to the table.
Striking and ethereal, Keeley Sheppard is definitely one to watch. Watching her work the camera was really inspiring, she really knew exactly what to do to make the shot.
Olivia Dunn, fresh faced, with the sweetest personality to match. At just 15, Olivia was just as professional and elegant as any veteran model.
Sonya Cullingford, a dancer with the most amazing doll-like eyes, was a joy to work with as well. Her dance training really shone through, as she knew how to poise herself in ways that would work for the photographs.
I was so happy each model was able to make it, as I am admittedly picky when it comes to choosing models. Working with all three was wonderful and surpassed all my expectations.
A little video of the three in action:
Onto the photos:
Also, a special thank you to Daniel, who helped me lug all the stuff to the shoot, stayed all day for it, and got caught in torrential downpour to help find a takeaway in case any of the team got hungry. To Natasha's cousin, who helped blow up the balloons. And to Lucy, for carrying that giant fan all the way to work just so I could use it for the day. And to my parents, for supporting me with this too.
Ha, sorry, reading this over sounds extremely gushy, my apologies, but I am just really grateful for everyone who made this shoot happen. I can't wait to get all the pictures and show you guys. Hopefully everyone sees a headband they'll love and want for themselves!
Mari x
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Little Fille A/W 2010 shoot
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Friday, 20 August 2010
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
When my friend Philip (favourite movie: Trainspotting, nickname: Pedophil) was dating a high school girl while we were nearing the end of university, I took him to Chapters and showed him this page:
Then, when there I read about the film's open casting call for extras online, I urged him and my another friend to go (I was in in London, so couldn't). They didn't make it - but one of their sisters did (Hi Christine!), and she kindly gifted me with a coin she managed to steal find on the set - what a sweetheart.
Needless to say, I am really excited about this movie, partially because my hometown's finally on the big screen not disguised as New York or Chicago. Yes, okay, so I'm a little homesick.
Last Tuesday, Daniel and I went to see Edgar Wright in conversation with Joe Cornish. It was brilliant and we got to see clips of Edgar's old films which were the perfect combination of genius, hilarity and slight embarrassment.
At the end of the evening, they were running out of time so could only take one more question. They said it had to be a really, really good question, so most people's hands went down.
One guy still had his hand up and they said something like, 'Okay, sir, I hope this is a good question' and he replied 'Yes.'
His question was, 'Hi, I'm an aspiring filmmaker. My question is how do you feel when filmmakers have really good debut films, like Moon and District 9? Do you like it when filmmakers make debut films, and when they are like Moon and District 9?'
I will let you make up your mind as to whether or not that was a good question.
On Wednesday, since I am extremely skint (no travelcard, shocker), so I debated whether or not to go to Leicester Square to catch the red carpet stuff for the premiere, and ultimately decided yes.
I'd never actually been to a Leicester Square premiere, and the internet told me the size of the premiere would be "average," so why not? They were wrong. Size was massive. Here are some photos.
Ellen Wong
Bryan Lee O'Malley
Edgar Wright
Brandon Routh
Jason Schwartzman - son of Connie Corleone
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Anna Kendrick
Michael Cera
Simon Pegg - who said the premiere was like Christmas for nerds
I didn't get close enough for anything to be signed, but a lovely man was emptying cardboard posters off a truck so I managed to get a souvenir. It was a very uncomfortable bus ride home. Well worth it though, as it goes with this giant Michael Cera head.
If you think this is slightly creepy, it is.
A parting gift for you - a short clip of MC being interviewed. It's incomplete, my arm got tired. I'm 2 feet tall, I did the best I could.
Scott Pilgrim, I shall see you on Friday (because I didn't win any of those advance screening tickets to the billion contests I entered. Darn.)
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70s style
The hair. The button down shirts. The crisp denim. Beautiful, poised, fresh and somehow, it all looks so effortlessly cool (Even though it would probably take me 3 hours and a thirteen types of hair masks for my hair to get remotely close to looking like Jaclyn Smith's).
My go-to summer look has pretty much been a button-down shirt tied at the waist a la Cheryl Ladd. Not very imaginative, but it works.
They key to "Charlie's Angels" chic is denim, denim, denim. I won't be throwing away my skinnies, but adding a wide legged flare every once in a while is a nice way to mix it up.
L to R:
MiH's Marakesh jean, EM's Old Schools (my personal favourite) and Awear's high waisted jeans.
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Thursday, 19 August 2010
Wallpaper Rose
The other day, I received two things in the mail. 1)a council tax bill 2)a beautiful package from the lovely Louise at Wallpaper Rose. Thank goodness for the latter.
The packaging was so sweet, complete with woven label and the tissue was folded into a cute little envelope. I'm a sucker for details.
One of the best parts about the necklace is that it's a locket. I put a photo of my little brother and sister in it to carry them 'round wherever I go. Creepy or sweet?
Make sure to check out all the other gorgeous pieces over on the Wallpaper Rose website. Everything is so pretty, you'll fall in love with one piece, guaranteed.
Mari x
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Wednesday, 18 August 2010
London, why can't you decide whether or not it's still summer?
I'll be wearing this as you're suffering from multiple personality disorder.
Awear's fringed embellished knitwear waistcoat.
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