Giving away you choice of either Audrey or Marilyn.
To enter, comment here with which headband you want and what you'd wear it with.
For extra an extra entry, follow me on twitter @sarimantos and tweet
I want a Little Fille headband! Follow @sarimantos and RT to win.
Winner will be announced Friday 10 December.
That's it! Good luck and thanks for following! x
Friday, 3 December 2010
200 follower giveaway!
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Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Contest winners and a surprise for all those who entered!
The lucky winners of the giveaway are aliceandlucy and milkteef! I'll be contacting you both later - thanks so much for entering!
For everyone else, not to worry! There will definitely be more giveaways happening soon, and I've also got a special surprise for all those who entered.
25% off every headband purchased until 29th November! Just type in your twitter name (for those who entered on twitter) or email (for those who entered here) during checkout, and I'll refund 25% back into your account within 24 hours. (This is because I'll need to verify your entry) Click here to shop now!
Thanks so much for entering everyone, I really appreciate all your kind words and support. Keep following because there will be more giveaways and surprises in the future.
Come pop by our Topshop Oxford Circus location too!
Mari x
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Sunday, 21 November 2010
We're live!
Shop the A/W collection on now!
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Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Headband giveaway!!
To celebrate Little Fille's Topshop launch, I'm giving away two free headpieces of your choice - one on Blogspot and one on Twitter!
Tea party
To enter, leave a comment with your email and favourite piece from the A/W collection
Follow me on twitter and tweet
I want a Little Fille headband! Follow @sarimantos and RT to win.
Or both for more chances to win :)
You can check out the entire A/W collection lookbook here.
The names of the headbands are on the bottom left/right corner. I'll announce the winner on Monday, November 22.
Good luck! and remember to come visit us this Friday at Topshop Oxford Circus!
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Labels: contest
Monday, 15 November 2010
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Vero Moda
I was lucky enough to win a gold bag from Vero Moda for the opening of their London flagship shop on Oxford St. In reality, I won the bag for my mom, because I wanted to get her a little something special for being so supportive while trying to get Little Fille off the ground. Numerous picture messages later, she decided on a beautiful cardigan - and told me to get something for myself too. I grabbed this winter maxi dress - which was about a foot too long - trusty sewing machine to the rescue again.
Vero Moda maxi dress
Court leather jacket
H&M scarf
Not as to disappoint, this outfit's blingee brought to you by Cruella Deville.
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Mini fashionistas
Remember my darling cousin Angeline who made me my amazing wallet? My aunt sent me some photos of her and her sister Celestine on Halloween that I just had to share.
Angeline was the toughest pirate in town.
Cel was Lady Gaga....and she made the costume herself - with t-shirts and tie-dye. So innovative! I've created a little monster ;)
These two are definitely fashion designers in the making - already designing and sewing their own clothes. I'm so proud of them!
Mari x
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Thursday, 4 November 2010
The Essence of Autumn
There's no way I'll win this, but I thought it would be fun anyway. The lovely Kristy Elena at Vogue Gone Rogue is having a very generous blog giveaway - a stay in a beautiful Greek Villa. I've never been to Greece, but have been known to randomly act out scenes from "Mamma Mia," so please help make this dream one step closer to reality.
The theme of the contest is "The Essence of Autumn" which to me means, it's getting cold so warmth is your best friend. Whoever gets the most likes on Bloglovin' wins, so if you're feeling particularly kind, please go ahead and like this post!
Outfit details:
Little Fille fleece turban
Vintage coat from Wolf and Gypsy
Wilfred cropped jumper
American Apparel leotard
Jeffrey Campbell Lita boots
As I promised, no outfit post is complete without a blingee:
Make your own Glitter Graphics
If this blingee doesn't give me an edge over competition, I don't know what will.
So, press like for the sake of all things sparkly.
Also, definitely check out Kristy Elena's wonderful entry to be Sunglass Hut's full-time blogger! Her video is amazing, and I really think she'd be perfect for the job.
Check out all the other great outfits too:
5 More Minutes
Beyond Fabric
Brooklyn's Britches
Citizen Rosebud
Cup of Me
Curvy with a Side of Confidence
Fashion Butter
Fashion Coconuts
Green Gable
Haine Accesibile
Haute and Fierce
Indie Guest
Jorge Alexander
Living Doll
Manic in the City
Mannequin De Vitrine
Midwest Vogue
Ms. Fabulous
Obsessive Coolness
Pens and Lens
Riding Pretty
Stiletto Chic
Style Scrapbook
Tiffany's Corner
The Blog of Brunette
The Loud Mouth
Very Chic List
Vogue Gone Rogue
Vogue Inspired Fashion for the Real World
Young Dumb Love
Don't forget to like this post on bloglovin'!
Mari x
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Monday, 1 November 2010
Sans wig and bottom lid eyeliner:
I love halloween. Love, love, love it. Every year (post trick or treating years), me and my friends Rene and Phil have always gone to Church street to look at the amazing costumes and generally feel transported to Halloweentown. That, and a late night snack at Wendy's. Unfortunately, ever since I've moved to London, it's been a whole other story. Case in point, two years ago me and Daniel were supposed to go out as Wayne and Garth, but he refused to put on his wig and glasses, leaving me as a Garth-less Wayne in a crowded London club.
On the Friday, I went to a "Dystopian" themed party and dressed as Rachael from Blade Runner. The only other person dressed up was the DJ - who was a robot. FML.
On actual Halloween, I went as Edie Sedgwick, but I think I channeled a Goldie Hawn from 'Laugh In' type of vibe, only weird looking with a bulbous face.
From across the Atlantic, Phil and Rene were Bob Dylan and Andy Warhol. It's nice when friends are lame enough to be lame together from miles and miles away.
Here's Rene as Warhol
Rene, Nino, Suze and Phil. <3 br="">
More photos of them to come!
What did I do that evening? Braved my horror-film phobia and watched a free screening of The Shining. It actually didn't frighten me too much on viewing - but the scary thoughts remained afterwards and I had to sleep with the lights on. Dork alert.
PS Yes, those are the Litas again. We're friends forever. Or until I break an ankle.
Mari x
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Labels: edie sedgwick gone wrong, halloween
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Sailor луна
As much as I love looking at other people's outfit posts, I find mine pretty boring. To make things slightly interesting, I think I'll make a blingee of every outfit's "inspiration." Enjoy.
I got this dress a couple of years ago from the Dalston Oxfam. It was probably something like 4.99 and was floor length. I hemmed it and now I'm kind of like a Sailor Scout with a Russian hat (bought in Lancaster). I paired it with my new favourite JC Litas, which make me normal height. Thanks.
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Labels: fashion
Friday, 22 October 2010
Mail time
The past few weeks have been an amazing time for mail.
1. My absolutelyamazingwonderfulthegreatestshoestoeverexist Litas courtesy of Jeffrey Campbell came in. Did I mention they go with everything I own?
2. I received the best present ever (now a staple in my handbag) made by my super talented little cousin, Angeline. Thank you Angel, how did you know a wallet is just what I needed?
Onto the photos.
In the winter, I dress for warmth and comfort. This often means I look like a shrunken granddad. Grabbing one of my Little Fille headbands makes me look like I at least put some effort into it. Double effort with the Litas. Actual effort required? Marginal.
I am really rubbish at these outfit posts - partially because the camera I use is of an ancient species, mainly because I am inept photography and posing. Most of the shots I have are blurry, and look like I need to pee. Or both.
But the real reason you are here:
My wallet - made with the finest duct tape money can buy.
The best part? It's personalized!
Bonus photo: my Simon Amstell in Grandma's House face:
Isn't it perfect? (wallet, not the face) I definitely think so. And no one else in the world has one. I will treasure it til my dying days.
Here is a parting photo of me, Angeline (left) and her sister Cel - two extremely talented budding fashion designers. (Sorry, Tita Anna!)
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5 minute chocolate cake man.
I don't know why I'd never heard of this before - I mean, those who know me would probably think, "Oh, who eats an excessive amount of desserts and would probably know of some way to make a chocolate cake in five minutes? Mari, probably."
Lazy and cake are two words that are synonymous with me. Not the sort of lazy where I don't do anything all day (I wish), but the kind of 'ohgod why is the remote control so far away, nevermind, i'll just watch this, maybe it will be interesting' kind of lazy.
Anyway, I made this yesterday:
The first time, it came out kind of dry - I think because I left it in the microwave for too long. It says 3 minutes, but I say start with 1:30 - it's nice for it to be all gooey on the inside. Also, I used half an egg. Again, I think this adds to the gooeyness factor. I also used drinking chocolate, even though it said not to - it works, but just don't add the sugar.
From Instructables:
You will need:
* microwave!
o coffee mug
o 4 tablespoons flour
o 4 tablespoons sugar
(no sugar if you're using instant hot chocolate -it's already in there)
o 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
(I used Green and Black's hot chocolate mix - 6 tablespoons, to compensate for the sugar)
o 2 tablespoons whisked egg
(I used half an egg)
o 3 tablespoons milk
o 3 tablespoons oil
o 3 tablespoons chocolate chips
o splash vanilla or other flavoring - try peppermint or cinnamon
step 2 Mix your ingredients
* Add all of the dry ingredients to the mug and mix.
* Add the egg and combine well. It gets pretty pasty at the point.
* Stir in milk and oil.
* Add chocolate chips* and splash of vanilla. Stir well.
step 3 Nuke It!
* Microwave for 3 minutes (start with 2, or even 1:30) in a 1000w oven, or 4 minutes in a 700w oven.
Variations from Squidoo:
Easy Variations on the 5 Minute Mug Cake
* Chocolate Chip - Add chocolate chips of course. Simple but delicious
* Vanilla - Replace the cocoa powder with custard powder. Check the timing and don't cook too long.
* Fruit Sponge - Place fruit in the bottom of the mug and mix in another container. Pour half the mixture over the fruit before cooking as usual. One recipe will make two mugs this way. To make it a vanilla fruit pudding leave out the cocoa and add custard powder. When cooking half the mixture this way, half the timing too. e.g. 1.5 minutes in 100W microwave.
* Very Lemon - Add lemon juice and lemon zest. Leave out the cocoa and vanilla and add extra flour. Check timing for your oven.
* Poppy Seed and Almond - Add almond essence and a teaspoon of poppy seeds. Leave out the cocoa and add a little extra flour. Watch the timing as it might need a little less time than the chocolate.
* Ginger Pudding - Add ground ginger and crystalised ginger chopped finely. Leave out the cocoa and add a little extra flour.
* Chocolate Cherry - Simply add chopped glace cherries, or add cherries and coconut
* Chocolate Peanut Butter - Add some small blobs of peanut butter before cooking. Or put a larger lump in the middle. Chunky peanut butter works best for this
* Surprise Cake - Add a small lump of something interesting to the centre before cooking. Try cream cheese, marmalade or jam. (This will be hotter than the cake so take care)
And there you have it. See you soon, morbid obesity!
Mari x
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Saturday, 9 October 2010
Little Fille A/W2010 lookbook
It's been so hectic around here - eat, sleep, headbands. Lots of potential good news to share with you soon, I hope. Here's a look at full A/W2010 Little Fille collection, I'm very proud of it! Hope you'll find some pieces you love. Let me know what you think.
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Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Daniel spent lots of time concocting his latest video, a Poptent entry for Ecomagination. I provided the helping hand(s).
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Labels: ecomagination, poptent
Sunday, 3 October 2010
This post is dedicated to the lovely Michelle Elaine at Fvncy. ;)
Halloween is my favourite. Since it's October, I've decided to chronicle all my Halloween costumes since 2003 in one image-heavy post.
Ah, Gogo Yubari and my terrible oily bangs. This was when I thought turning photos BW and upping the contrast made me cool and artsy. Philip went as a giant tampon and this is the before photo.
I'm not sure - some type of one handed zombie bride with bad socks, who stole Julian Casbablancas' jacket.
The following year, Phil stole my costume. Him and Rene were the corpse bride and groom. I was some sort of broken-hearted, decapitated then revived, gothic elf who enjoys late night dinners at Wendy's.
Lots of recycling going on here again as Phil's used last years mask to create quite possibly the worstgreatest Darth Maul costume I have ever seen. I used toilet roll and duct tape to create the blaster of my ultimate ~style icon~ Princess Leia. Rene was the same guy from last year but with a gun. Just kidding, I think he was someone from Battle Royale.
Diy'd again. I think this costume cost less than 5 quid to make. I wore false eyelashes cos my 15 year old asian boy non-makeup face creeped me out.
Last Halloween, I had a wedding to attend, so didn't plan much of a costume. I made this out of a tea towel, a pair of tights and some underwear, how resourcefully gross. I did go to a Halloween party afterwards, but it turned out to be quite a small gathering of people I didn't really know at the time, and no one was really wearing costumes, and I didn't really want to be the elephant in the room. HAr. When I posted this as my facebook profile picture, someone thought I was wearing a breathing apparatus.
This Halloween, I'm not really sure what I want to be. I really wanted to go to Disneyland Paris because apparently they've got the most wonderful Halloween theme going on, but a trip on the Eurostar doesn't really look likely because it costs loads and loads.
What's everyone going as this Halloween?
Mari x
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